How widely used is HPF?
There are currently 35 listed HPF applications.
The High Performance Fortran Forum (HPFF), a coalition of industry, academic and laboratory representatives, works to define a set of extensions to Fortran 90 known collectively as High Performance Fortran (HPF). HPF extensions provide access to high-performance architecture features while maintaining portability across platforms.
This site has eight sections:
- Home - basic information about High Performance Fortran and the HPFF; you are currently here
- Versions - specifications on the latest version of HPF, Version 2.0, as well as earlier versions
- Compilers - information on various compilers and tools, as well as a database of implementations available for search
- Projects - includes a listing of ongoing research around the globe, as well as previous endeavours which inspired the current version of Fortran
- Publications - publications about HPF
- Applications - applications using HPF
- Benchmarks - HPF performance results
- Events - upcoming events dealing with HPF
- Contacts - mailing lists, personnel, and other info