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Gabor Toth, Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary (gtoth@hermes.elte.hu) Rony Keppens, FOM Institue for Plasma Physics, Rijnhuizen, Holland (keppens@rijnh.nl)Brief Description of Application:
Number of Lines of Code: 15000 (the HPF compatible part)
Target Platforms and HPF Compilers Used:
Coding Styles (data decompositions, computational methods):
Extrinsic Interfaces Used (and reasons):
Performance Information, if Available (including any possible comparisons to MPI and/or OpenMP):
Parallel scaling as well as single node performance is satisfactory for the explicit time integration schemes. This means that for a big enough application the scaling is almost linear up to 10-20 processors, and the single node performance of the HPF compiler is comparable with that of the F90/F77 compiler. We do not have access to much bigger machines. Performance of VAC is discussed in detail in a conference proceedings: "Comparison of Different Computer Platforms for Running the Versatile Advection Code" by G. Toth and R. Keppens, 1998, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1241, 368-376 (also available from http://hermes.elte.hu/~gtoth/Papers/vac.html)
Please comment on any aspects of the application that might be interesting, including any problems using HPF effectively:
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