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HUG'99: The 3rd Annual HPF User Group Meeting
August 1-2, 1999
Redondo Beach, California
(Please note change in location and dates)
The Third Annual High Performance Fortran User Group ('HUG') meeting will be held on August 1-2, 1999 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Redondo Beach, California. This meeting follows the first two meetings in the series held in 1997 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, and in 1998 in Porto, Portugal. It provides an opportunity for users of HPF to meet each other, share ideas and experiences, and obtain up-to-date information on current HPF implementations and future plans.
This meeting precedes the 8th High Performance Distributed Computing Conference and is located at the same hotel.
The HUG meeting will include:
There will also be a panel session focussed on achieving high performance in scientific applications using Fortran and its extensions, including HPF, OpenMP, MPI, PVM, etc.
Call for Submissions
We invite abstracts for presentations from all those working on topics of relevance for High Performance Fortran. Relevant subject areas include, but are not limited to:
Abstracts of up to 500 words must be submitted electronically by May 7, 1999 to hug99@icase.edu. They must be in HTML format readable by Netscape 2.0 or later. Authors will be notified of acceptance by March 19, 1999. The selected abstracts will be posted on the Web prior to the conference.
Important Dates
Program Committee
Piyush Mehrotra | ICASE, Hampton, USA (Chair) | |
Barbara Chapman | University of Southampton, Southampton, UK | |
Ken Kennedy | Rice University, Houston, USA | |
Chuck Koelbel | Rice University, Houston, USA | |
Vince Schuster | Portland Group, Portland, USA | |
Henk Sips | Delft University of Technology, Netherlands | |
Eric de Sturler | University of Illinois, Urbana, USA | |
Yoshiki Seo | NEC Corp, Japan |
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