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HPF Inspirations

HPF was inspired by many previous efforts, including:


Adaptor (Automatic DAta Parallelism TranslatOR)
Adaptor is a tool that transforms data parallel programs written in Fortran with array extensions, parallel loops, and layout directives to parallel programs with explicit message passing.
AURORA is a distinctively interdisciplinary project, based upon a highly synergetic cooperation of subprojects ranging across a broad range of disciplines whose explicit goal is to push the state-of-the-art in the field of software for HPC systems.
Chinese Climb Plan and 863 High Technology Plan
construct an operational sub HPF compiler and carry out some research on parallel computing
D System
The D System is a research project which is investigating tools for programming in data-parallel languages like HPF.
Excalibur Project
The Excalibur Project is a group of researchers at The Research Institue for Advanced Computer Science (RIACS) and Xerox Parc developing algorithms and techniques for compiling array-oriented languages (such as FORTRAN 90) onto parallel machines.
The Fx project at Carnegie Mellon pioneered the use of integrated task and data parallelism, which is now an approved extension of HPF. Integration of task parallelism extends the domain of a data parallel language beyond large scientific computing problems to smaller problems with hard performance requirements in several areas like signal and image processing.
HPF for Effective In-house Development in Industry
High Performance Fortran Applications
Collection of material to help use, apply, and promote High Performance Fortran (HPF). This Internet resource is designed from the user point of view to understand which applications are suitable for the language and to give examples and other educational material to help new users. The catalog of HPF application codes should also be of use to compiler builders and language designers.
High Performance Systems Lab
HPC Standards
The purpose of this project is to improve the current version of High Performance Fortran ( HPF-1 ) and related compiler technology by extending the functionality of the language and developing optimizing compilation strategies, depending on the requirements of a set of advanced application codes.
HPFC is a prototype HPF Compiler which is being developed at CRI, Ecole des mines de Paris. It aims at testing new compilation techniques.
Fortran 90 / HPF Centre of Excellence at Delft University of Technology
NAS Parallel Benchmarks
soliciting comments towards developing Fortran 90 and HPF versions.
A list of HPF-related work in Europe is available through this project.
an environment for a subset of HPF and C-Pandore, it comprises a compiler, a machine independent runtime and execution analysis tools including a profiler and a trace generator.
PARADIGM: Parallelizing Compiler for Distributed-M
The PARADIGM (PARAllelizing compiler for DIstributed-memory General-purpose Multicomputers) project, in the Center for Reliable and High-Performance Computing at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, strives to provide a fully automated means to parallelize programs for efficient execution on a wide range of distributed-memory multicomputers.
Parallel Systems Software Research at ICASE
The PHAROS project aims to assess High Performance Fortran (HPF) as a paradigm for porting large Fortran 77 applications to distributed memory architecures, in comparison to message-passing programming.
The PPPE project has delivered a production quality toolset whose purpose is to simplify the development of large scale scientific and engineering applications for massively parallel distributed architectures.
The ESPRIT R&D project PREPARE builds a compiler for Fortran 90 and High Performance Fortran. This European project is developed by a consortium of four industrial partners and six research centers.

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